Throughout humankind's history on the planet Earth, civilizations have risen and fallen. Peoples settled into cities, while others chose to remain nomadic. Countries and governments established themselves, and peacetime inter-mingled with war. Religion arose from numerous sources, and humanity marched onward through its own ability to survive as a whole.
What is it you want to protect? What is there that you wish to redeem? What is the most precious thing to you? Family. Country. Clan. Creation. Beliefs. Nature. Earth. No matter the cause for which to fight, the fight will ensue. And so it is that, in the simple act of protecting, something else is destroyed. What are you willing to sacrifice to protect what you hold dear?
And just how many battles must commence to protect that which is precious?
When you are the sole protector of what you hold dear, the only being capable of guarding against an onslaught of potential foes, how long can you survive in the shadows?
When the fate of the world is at stake, what would be your decision?